Happy, loving, intelligent... The Corgi breed dogs are known and loved all across the world and are mostly associated with the Queen of the UK.


As Britain this week celebrates the Queen’s 70 years on the throne with Platinum Jubilee, Corgis are playing a starring role in celebrations. Let’s look at some interesting facts about this Royal love story!


Queen Elizabeth fond of Corgis since she was a child. She owned more than 30 Corgis since she became Queen of the Commonwealth realms in 1952.


There is a Royal Corgi bloodline. For half a century, all of the 96-year-old royal's Corgis descended from her first pup Susan.


Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms, but the Corgis sleep inside the Queen's private apartment. There is a special corgi room where they have raised wicker baskets lined with cushions to keep draughts away.


There is a rule that nobody is allowed to raise a finger or a voice to any of the dogs.


Queen's Corgis are fed promptly at 5 p.m. each night and dine on a filet of steak and chicken breast that has been expertly prepared by a chef.

The Corgis go where the Queen goes.  They receive first-class treatment and travel in style with helicopters, trains, and limousines.


At Christmas, at Sandringham, they each have their own stocking, filled by the Queen herself. She fills them with toys and treats for each of her beloveds.


The royal household's breeding program is no longer running. The Queen is said to be unwilling to leave young dogs behind when she dies and stopped breeding Corgis so as not to leave any behind.


The Corgis have had numerous items dedicated to them, in particular being the subject of many statues and works of art such as statues, professional photographs, and paintings for leaving a lasting legacy after death. Corgi images adorn commemorative ornaments, pillows, mugs, and biscuits.


The Royal Corgis were globally publicized such as in the cover photo and feature article of Vanity Fair's Summer 2016 edition


For the jubilee, Buckingham Palace has embraced the association of the queen with her corgis and unveiled a winking “PJ the corgi” emoji for people to share on social media.


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