American artist Jeff Koons has become one of the most iconic figures in contemporary art.



He is best known for his large-scale works, his most recognizable artwork is The Balloon Dog, which has become a symbol of pop culture.



There are five dogs and each of them is made from engineered, mirror-polished stainless steel with a translucent coating of either blue, magenta, orange, red, or yellow. 



Joons' Balloon Dogs are not the only animal sculptures by Koons. He also made balloon swan, monkey, rabbit and snake, and others too…



In 2013, his orange Balloon Dog sold at auction for $58.4 million, a world record breaking price for a living artist.



Jay Z apparently is a huge fan of Koons, once rapping about them in his 2013 song Picasso Baby and he performed with a copy of it at his concerts.




“Art to me is a humanitarian act... makes the world a better place...”


We Woof You Jeff! You’re An Inspiration...


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